Basic Old-Age Insurance for Self-Employed Workers
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the basic old-age insurance system for self-employed individuals in France. It details the calculation methods for contributions, the income bases used, applicable rates, and recent reforms affecting these contributions. Additionally, it addresses provisions for new entrepreneurs and the minimum contribution requirements.
1.Provisional Calculation of Contributions
- Income Base and Recent Reforms
- Taxable Income Considerations
- 2024 Social Security Financing Law (LFSS) Adjustments
- Contribution Rates and Minimum Contributions
- 2024 Contribution Rates
- Minimum Contribution Requirements
- Exemptions for New Businesses
Detailed Content
- Provisional Calculation of Contributions
Self-employed individuals’ social security contributions are initially calculated on a provisional basis, using the income declared two years prior (N-2). This method provides an estimate for the current year’s contributions. Once the actual income for the current year is declared, adjustments are made to align the contributions with the accurate income figures. This system ensures that contributions are both timely and reflective of actual earnings.
- Income Base and Recent Reforms