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The 10 steps you need to follow to start your project / STEP 1: THE IDEA

Any business creation project starts with an Idea. Whether…

VAT declarations and payment

With all the ongoing changes in VAT regulations it is important that knowledge about the payment methods and VAT declarations are kept current. In this article we’ll be looking at the two reporting regimes that businesses use to calculate their VAT and pay their VAT bills and how each regime could affect you.

Learn to Read Your French Payslip

What is a Payslip? In France, a pay slip is a document provided…

French VAT on international transactions: Everything you need to know!

Do you have any business transactions with suppliers or customers located in other European Union (EU) country or outside the EU and you don't understand how it all works with regards VAT in France? This article is meant to give you some practical information to follow