Director Training Tax Credit

Certain amounts invested by the company for the training of executives are eligible for a tax credit.

1.Companies concerned

The tax credit is reserved for industrial, commercial, craft, craft, liberal or agricultural companies that are subject to IR (Impôt sur le Revenu/ Income tax) or IS (Impot sur les société/ Corporate tax) under an actual tax regime. Companies exempt from tax through spatial planning schemes also benefit from the scheme.

2.Officers concerned

  • The tax credit applies.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.
  • To the managers of SNC, SCA, SARL.
  • The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officers of SA.
  • To the President and Chief Executive Officers of SAS.

3.Expenditure concerned

Expenses eligible for the tax credit are those attributable to continuing vocational training required of employers (for example, expenses to acquire, maintain or upgrade the manager’s skills).

Training provided free of charge and paid training are not eligible for the tax credit.

4. Amount of the tax credit: 


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