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VAT Declarations & Payment

Presently, two reporting regimes are in place. Each one has…

The 10 steps you need to follow to start your project / STEP 5: FINDING FUNDS

I- Awareness before considering financing solutions Financing…

Brexit: list of questions and answers for the professionals

Brexit: list of questions and answers for the professionals The…

Brexit: a list of questions / answers for the individuals

The DGFiP brings you answers on the tax consequences of the new…

Resigning and starting a new business: everything you need to know !

You want to start your own business and leave your employment…

The 10 steps you need to follow to start your project / STEP 2: SELF-ASSESSMENT / BUILD YOUR PROJECT

This step is essential because it allows you to set up your project and to check whether the idea is consistent with your own profile. The success of a project generally depends on a number of personal factors: what inspired you, knowledge of the sector, and entrepreneurial skills.